
Friday 13 October 2023

Weekly Dipa Ma: From a translation of a Dipa Ma dharma talk--

Weekly Dipa Ma: 
From a translation of a Dipa Ma dharma talk--

 "I am telling everyone, I had so much sorrow, so much suffering, but I was able to find peace of mind through meditation. My sorrow is gone. My tears are gone. I don't have any grief or remorse. If you believe me and follow this path, you'll find peace too. Your sorrow will go away. You won't have any sorrow. You are hurt, and you are suffering now, but so was I, and so was Buddha. No one is exempt from it. Ignore your sufferings, acquire knowledge, and go toward Vipassana. If you do that, you will find peace too. Your sorrows will be gone. You won't have any grief or remorse. That's what happiness is, right? 

What can be more peaceful than that? Try this. Don't be lazy. Greed, envy, attachment to material possessions will go away on their own. Just practice the things you've learned, and you'll find peace. There aren't any magic spells. Just practicing these will get you to your destination. You won't have any sorrow. 

That's what I wanted to tell you. Whatever illnesses I had, those might still be there, however, I am not suffering from them anymore. Diseases don't cause as much suffering for me as before. I am doing fine. 

Back then, I couldn't talk, I couldn't move. I went to India from Burma, and then I came to America from India. The only power I had was the power of meditation. I don't have any other powers. I have developed so much through this power. I had so much self-development. You can develop like this too, and find peace and comfort. You will get eternal peace. Devote yourself to this path, move toward Vipassana. 

Don't stop. Even when you go home from here, continue practicing these. Whenever you have time, practice these. Meditate. Make a habit of coming here and meditating every 7-10 days. 

If you can't come here, gather your friends and associates in one of your houses and meditate with them. You can alternate houses. Keep this alive like this. If you don't do it, the pressure will build up. So, you have to do it all the time."


Photo credit. The owner who posted it.

28 September 2023

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