
Saturday 14 October 2023

The recollection of death

The recollection of death

In this recollection, death does not mean the momentary perishing of ultimate realities, the dead-moment of an Arahant, and the metaphorical usage as dead tree. It just means the end of a life, the interruption of life-faculty, and the death of living-being.

There are four ways to recollect the death. 

1) Maraṇam bhavissati – death will take place. 

2) Jīvitindriyam upacchijjissati – the life-faculty will be interrupted. 

3) Maraṇam, maraṇam – death, death. 

4) Jīvitam me addhuvam, maraṇam me dhuvam – life is uncertain, death is sertain. 

In Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta, the Buddha explained how to practice recollection of death in the chapter of nine types of corpses. 

Ayampi kāyo evam evaṃdhammo – This body, too: Such is its nature.

Ayampi kāyo evam evaṃbhāvī – This body, too: Such is its future.

Ayampi kāyo evam evaṃanatīto. – This body, too: Such its unavoidable fate.

6 October 2023

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