
Tuesday 10 October 2023

Luang Pu Doo.

Luang Pu Doo.

There used to be a family who often dropped by Wat Sakae. The couple had two daughters who were still in primary school. Once, the elder of the two daughters told everyone that she would not be heading to the temple that day because she has to catch up on her homework at home.

That day, Luang Pu Doo saw that the older sibling didn’t come to visit him. Luang Pu asked about her and the younger sibling told Luang Pu that her sister was busy because she had to do her homework at home. 

Sometimes Luang Pu would ask his disciples to sit in meditation in front of him to give them a little moral support and confidence. 

So he asked the younger sister to sit in meditation with him for a while. 

Occasionally some children prove to be better meditators than adults because their minds have “less noise". After this younger sister’s mind calmed down, Luang Pu told her to ask Luang Pu Thuad to take her home and see what her sister is doing right now. 

The child informed Luang Pu while still keeping her eyes closed, “I see the maid doing some laundry and also see my elder sister sitting and watching television.” Thus, the elder sister could deceive everyone in her family but she wasn’t able to trick Luang Pu Doo.

Recounted by Uncle Sit.


Photo credit. The owner who posted it.

21 September 2023

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