
Saturday 14 October 2023

Teaching of Ajahn Chah

Teaching of Ajahn Chah

Question: Did I hear you say that you are afraid of very diligent disciples?

Answer: Yes, that’s right, I am afraid. I am afraid that they are too serious. They try too hard, but without wisdom. They push themselves into unnecessary suffering. Some of you are determined to become enlightened. You grit your teeth and struggle all the time. This is trying too hard. People are all the same. 

They don’t know the nature of things (saṅkhārā). All formations, mind and body, are impermanent. Simply watch and don’t cling.

Others think they know. They criticize, they watch, they judge. That’s OK. Leave their opinions to them. 

This discrimination is dangerous. It is like a road with a very sharp curve. If we think others are worse or better or the same as us, we go off the curve. If we discriminate, we will only suffer.

(Ajahn Chah)

4 October 2023

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