
Saturday 14 October 2023

Kathina privileges

 Kathina privileges

1) Anāmantacāra – The bhikkhu can go to the houses (of different families) after meal without asking permission from any present bhikkhu.

2) Asamādānacāra – The bhikkhu can spend overnight without bringing a sect of three robes.

3) Gaṇabhojana – The bhikkhu can accept the food inviting him with improper invitation such as addressing the name of food etc... 

4) Yāvadattacīvara – The bhikkhu can keep extra robes more than ten days without determination and making it dual ownership.

5) Yoca tattha cīvaruppāda – The bhikkhu can accept many robes without sharing them with visiting bhikkhus such as matasanthaka robe, saṃghadinna robe, and samghikatatruppāda robe (gain from saṃghika paddy field etc..,).


Photo credit. To the owner who posted it. 

10 October 2023

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