
Tuesday 3 October 2023

Luang Por Pek

Q. Most Thai people have gone to make merit at the temples when they were alive. They also know that before they die, they should prepare their minds and keep recollecting the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. 

Yet how come after they die they still end up with an unfortunate rebirth?

LP Lek: It is because of the lack of stability in goodness. Very few people would hold on to goodness until they are secure in virtue. Even if our ancestors taught us that before one dies, we should recite Arahang or Buddho, but if unwholesome kamma ripens they can obstruct us. 

For example the fisherman who was dying, his children encouraged him to recite Phut Tho, but he just said “Tay Poh” [which is a kind of fish curry stew]. If we do not perform virtuous deeds [or meditate] until our heart’s energy is strong and firm, then we are likely to miss out on a good rebirth.

But even if someone’s mind is firm on goodness, if he or she has committed extremely heavy kamma in the past which ripens, he/she might lose their sati and have to experience the fruit of bad kamma first [before enjoying the fruits of their wholesome deeds].

Many people who go down to King Yama’s palace are surprised to find themselves down there. They were surprised because they had often practiced meditation for many years yet they still ended up in front of King Yama. 

Then they recalled that as they were focusing on their meditation before they passed away, they heard a startling sound of someone making noise or throwing something against the wall which shocked them and they lost mindfulness of their meditation object. This is the result of obstructive bad kamma ripening…


Photo credit. The owner who posted it.

19 September 2023

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