
Sunday 22 October 2023

Luang Phor Kuay Chutinataro

Luang Phor Kuay Chutinataro

Today the 2nd of November is Luang Phor Kuay’s birthday. For brothers and sisters who are followers of Luang Phor, please take the time to pay your respects to him. 

“I ask that all of my luksits no matter where they are from, that they should not go without, to not be in want, to not have difficulty, to not be poor, to not be lesser people, to not be worse off than others.”

~ Luang Phor Kuay Chutinataro

Many people think that the words above are a blessing from Luang Phor Kuay for his disciples to become rich. But actually this sentence is a Dhamma riddle from Luang Phor. 

To “not go without or not miss out” means to know how to use resources and opportunities properly, don’t end up regretting and missing out. 

To “not be in want” means to know what is appropriate, to have self-control, to know the right level of extravagance or lavishness, not to overdo it and end up in want of things. 

To “not have difficulty” means to know how to live a plain, humble and simple life, not to be so fussy about conditions that you give yourself many difficulties and problems. 

To “not be poor” means to appreciate and be grateful for whatever you already have, even if it is little. 

To “not be lesser people” means to keep the precepts, to practice the Dhamma, not to let your heart be filled with lesser things. 

To “not be worse off than others” means to have a big heart, don’t be narrow and small-minded, to know how to be generous, kind and helpful. 

Luang Phor Kuay Chutinataro

Wat Kositaram, Chainat Province

Cr. Saranwiki 

Photo cr.


Photo credit. The owner who posted it. 

27 October 2023

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