
Saturday 14 October 2023

Ajahn Lee Dhammadharo "Loyalty to Your Meditation", transl. Thanissaro

Ajahn Lee Dhammadharo "Loyalty to Your Meditation", transl. Thanissaro 

"If you’re not loyal to your meditation object or to yourself, if you forget the breath you’re meditating on with buddho, buddho, and let your mind go wandering off in thoughts and concepts, it’s as if you’ve abandoned the monk you’re supposed to look after. You don’t follow him; you don’t act the role of his student as you had intended to. The results that you had hoped for will thus get ruined. In other words, your mind won’t get established in concentration. All kinds of hardships — the five hindrances — will come flowing into the heart, and no peace will appear. This causes you to suffer and to miss out on the good results that you should have achieved."

~ Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo "Loyalty to Your Meditation", transl. Thanissaro

3 October 2023

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