
Saturday 14 October 2023

The recollection of the Samgha (1)

The recollection of the Samgha (1)

There are nine qualities of Samgha.

1) Suppaṭipanno – the noble disciple has entered on the good way

The noble disciples enter the right way (sammā-paṭipada), 

that is irreversible (anivatti-paṭipadaṃ), 

that is in conformity with the supra-mundane dhamma (anuloma-paṭipadaṃ), 

that has no opposition (appaccanīka-paṭipadaṃ), and 

that is regulated by the Dhamma (dhammānu-dhamma-paṭipadaṃ).  

2) Ujuppaṭipanno – the noble disciple has entered on the straight way

The noble disciple has entered on the immaculate way, avoiding the two extremes, taking the middle course, and abandoning the faults of bodily, verbal, and mental crookedness (vaṅka). 

3) Ñāyappaṭipanno – the noble disciple has entered on the true way

Ñāya means Nibbāna. The noble disciple practices the higher virtue, concentration, and wisdom with the attention to attain Nibbāna, the truth. 

4) Sāmīcippaṭipanno – the noble disciple has entered on the proper way

The noble disciples are worthy of veneration because they have entered on the proper ways, the higher trainings. 

5) Āhuneyyo – the noble disciple is fit for gifts

The noble disciple is fit for gifts what is brought even from far away.

8 October 2023

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