
Thursday 19 October 2023

Train yourself to be mindful of all six senses, seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, body feeling and thought. (Thought, as well as everything that arises in the mind is sensation).

Train yourself to be mindful of all six senses, seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, body feeling and thought. (Thought, as well as everything that arises in the mind is sensation).

This mental consciousness is not a being. You are not creating it. It is happening because of the causes and conditions that you must have been able to observe by now.

Consciousness is arising and passing away so quickly that we think that it’s always there, because it is the same type of consciousness.

It is not the same consciousness, it’s the same type, of consciousness.

The two things very different.

After you practice for a long time and you become more and more mindful you can see a gap in between. 

You don’t experience solidity any more.

The samadhi required to look at the gross object, and the samadhi required to look at the subtle object is not the same.

By trying to stay with the subtle object the level of samadhi increases. And only when you look at more and more subtle objects, only when it gets very subtle, you get closer to paramattha. Before that, you are with lots of concepts yet.

In daily activities practice, look and watch the mind, don’t follow it. Look into it, watch what its doing, what’s happening in the mind and don’t force anything.

-  Shwe O Min Sayadaw

25 October 2023

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