
Saturday 14 October 2023

Be content to go without or to be hungry.

Be content to go without or to be hungry. 

This is an important point. 

Don’t be like a pig, just stuffing yourself and then lying down. 

The Krooba Ajahns always talk like this: “Don’t take a pig as your example.” 

Be like a sparrow in a cage. 

A pig eats and then lies down. 

Once it wakes up, it looks again for food.

The sparrow isn’t like that. 

Even if it is trapped in a good cage with clean, accessible food and water, the sparrow is always searching for a way out of that cage. 

Hopping here, walking there, hopping there, walking here, it lives in the cage but is intent on finding an opening to get out. 

Usually those cages have small openings and the bird always tries to stick its beak out of them. Be like the sparrow, don’t be like a pig content to lie down in its sty. 

Content to lie down in its cage. The Krooba Ajahns always teach like this. 

Listening indifferently, we might think of this as an ordinary Dhamma talk, but if we really contemplate, then we have to guard against being like pigs. 

Preventing ourselves from being like pigs allows the fruits and benefits to come forth from our practice.

Luang Por Baen


Photo credit. To the owner who posted it.

11 October 2023

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