
Saturday 14 October 2023

Anandajoti Bhikku

Anandajoti Bhikku

11/24: He let Mosquitoes Consume his Blood

    When Wú Mĕng of the Jìn dynasty was eight years old, he was very filial towards his parents. The family was poor, and the bed had no mosquito net. Every night in summer mosquitoes in droves nibbled at their skin and sucked their blood without restraint. 

   Although there were many, Mĕng did not drive them away, lest in leaving him they bite his parents. So great was his love of his parents! A poem praises him:

    On summer nights without a mosquito net,

When mosquitoes are many he dares not wave them off;

They gorge themselves on his flesh and blood,

And thus he avoids their bothering his parents.

Full collection:

1 October 2023

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