
Thursday 7 July 2022

"This is just the interpretation of how a monk should accept things …. You just have to learn to follow the rules wherever you go.”

The Teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

11th July, 2022

"This is just the interpretation of how a monk should accept things …. You just have to learn to follow the rules wherever you go.”

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Question: Different temples have different rules and practice, I would like to seek your advice regarding the way for offering of food. I have been serving Sri Lanka monks for more than 10 years. After the food offering, some people may accidentally touch the edge of the table where all the food are placed. This is okay at Sri Lanka temple that I go. However, at Wat Palelai, Singapore, I was shouted at for touching the table after the foods were offered to the monks. 

They said that if I touch the table, all the monks will not be able to eat the food on that table and all the food have to be reoffered. So my question is if I or anyone unintentionally touch the table, are the monks not able to eat the food?  

Than Ajahn: Well, that’s the policy at different temples. I can explain the reason why foods or things have to be offered to monks. This is to prevent the monks being accused of stealing. 

Once you hand the offerings to a monk, if you touch them back, it may mean that you want the items back. 

So, when you want the offerings back by touching the items, the monk cannot touch them anymore. If the monk touches them, he can be accused of stealing the food or the things from you. This is just the interpretation of how a monk should accept things. 

Different countries might have different interpretations. With SriLankan monks, they may say, ‘Once you have given the offerings, they are mine regardless whether you touch them back or not’.  So, you just have to learn to follow the rules wherever you go. Different countries have different rules. For example, when you’re in Thailand, you drive on the left side of the road. When you go to America, you drive on the right side of the road. So, you have to study the rule of each place you go.

Youtube: “Dhamma in English, Dec 18, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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