
Monday 4 July 2022

Ajaan Fuang Jotiko

Ajaan Fuang Jotiko

"Birth, ageing, illness, and death: these things are normal. 

Birth is the normal way of things, aging's the normal way of things, illness and death are the normal way of things. 

Get so that you can see clearly that this is the way things normally are. 

That's when a sense of disenchantment can arise. 

You'll be able to loosen the grip that these things have on you. 

You'll be able to pull them out, root and all.

We've suffered as the slaves of defilement and craving for how long now? Can you remember? 

Ask yourself. 

Can you remember all you've been through? 

And how much longer are you going to let it keep on happening — this holding and carrying and weighing yourself down? 

How many eons have you been doing this? 

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of eons. 

Can you count them all? Of course you can't. 

And how much longer will you have to keep on suffering in this way? 

If you're still stubborn, still unwilling to listen to the Buddha's teachings, this is the kind of reward you'll have to expect out of life. 

Do you want it? 

Do you like it? 

If you don't want it, then you'll have to develop the goodness of your mind so that you can see your way out of this, so that you can see your defilements, so that you can see the suffering and harm they cause."

~ Ajaan Fuang Jotiko, excerpt from 'A Single Mind'

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