
Friday 29 July 2022

Luang Phor Plien

Ajaan Plien related to his disciples that during his two-day stay in Kashmir, the Naga Muchalinda appeared and came to meet him on both days. 

Luang Phor Plien mentioned, “The first day I arrived, we stood and looked at the water in the wetlands. 

The water in this area was so clear that we could see the bottom of the marsh where we stood. 

We were standing and praying at the edge of the swamp. 

This swamp was taken care of by a Naga. He manifested and paid respects to us, kneeling with his palms together in front of his chest. 

He took on the form of a young man around 30 years of age. We asked what was his name. He told us that he was the Phayanak Muchalinda, the guardian deity of this area. 

Phra Ajaan Plien then asked this Naga whether he was the same Naga serpent who spread his hood to protect Siddhartha Gautama Buddha? 

The Naga Muchalinda replied that he was. Then Phra Ajaan asked the Naga whether the Buddha ever visited the area when he was alive, the Naga Muchalinda replied that yes the recluse Gautama used to come here before. 

Phayanak Muchalinda used his magical powers to recreate the scene where he protected the Buddha who was sitting in meditation enjoying the bliss of emancipation. Phra Ajaan Plien commented that the vision was very real, as though it was like watching it happen just like a movie. 

He also said that the Naga Muchalinda is a devout Buddhist serpent, who would come to pay homage to any virtuous monk who passed by. The Phayanak would bring a divine lotus to pay respects and ask to listen to the Dhamma. He particularly likes a Matika chapter discussing unwholesome kamma and meritorious deeds. 

During the two days where Ajaan Plien was in Kashmir, India, he noted that Naga Muchalinda would appear to see him when it was late at night after 11pm, when all the devotees had retired to rest. Then he would discuss the Dhamma with him until around three or four in the morning, before bidding farewell and returning to his underground Naga city. 

After Ajaan Plien returned to Ban Pong (Wat Aranyawiwake), Naga Muchalinda still came to visit him occasionally. Usually on the nights of important Buddhist days such as Magha, Visakha or Asalha Puja days. 

He will come late after midnight and return at three or four in the morning. 

Ajaan Plien praised Naga Muchalinda as a Naga who made a great wish to be with and support Naga Bhuridatta, the past life of our Lord Gautama Buddha.

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