
Thursday 28 July 2022

9 reasons Why People Pray to Thao Wessuwan (King Vessavaṇa)

 9 reasons Why People Pray to Thao Wessuwan (King Vessavaṇa)

1. Preserving and maintaining wealth, because Thao Wessuwan is considered to be the King of Yakkhas in charge of underground riches

2. “Wes” means Merchant and “Suwan” translates to gold, his name is auspicious for trading, business to flourish and progress

3. Encourages Buddhists to keep the precepts because Thais believe Thao Wessuwan and his retinue are the recorders of good and evil deeds performed, which will be sent to Phaya Yama Raj (King Yama).

4. Defender of the faithful against demons, black magic or evil people. Righteous Yakkhas will protect Buddhists against evil-doers. See story of Chao Khun Keng and Thao Wessuwan.

5. Protector of the newborns. In the past, people would put the amulet or phayant of Thao Wessuwan above the baby’s crib to protect them against both visible and invisible dangers. 

Then ghosts would not be able to disturb the child and they will no longer cry for no reason at night. 

6. Long life, free from disease. Legend goes that Thao Wessuwan was blessed by Phra Phrom to have an extremely long lifespan.

7. Protector of the Dhamma. Lord Thao Wessuwan is a faithful follower of the Buddha and is believed to have attained stream entry as a Sotapanna. 

He continues to protect the faithful and maintains the Buddha Sasana. 

8. Suitable for people whose job entails certain risks such as firefighters, policemen or soldiers to pray to. 

9. Mitigate the negative effects of bad fengshui. For example, if a house is located at the cross-roads or junction, you can put a statue of Thao Wessuwan there and pay homage to him to help bring peace and happiness.

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