
Sunday 3 July 2022

Bhante Hei

Bhante Hei 

Por Khao Wanchart once told me in Hong Kong that it is very rare for a group of people to be able to gather together to perform meritous acts, uphold the precepts, listen to the Dhamma, practice and so forth. It is a blessing if a group of people can group together to engage in these activities, as it is very difficult and rare for this to occur. 

Especially when some people are faced with dukkha, stress, kilesas such as greed, aversion and ignorance. By listening to the Dhamma and applying it, they can eliminate suffering, stress and kilesas such as attachment, aversion and ignorance and understand the path of Liberation, the path of eliminating suffering. 

This will enable the leader or the person who offered the space to practice to accumulate great merit. It will even give those who have listened to the Dhamma fhe opportunity to eliminate suffering and achieve liberation. 

Although the person who offered the area for our use was overseas, but he will still receive this merit. 

In fact, in the suttas, it is mentioned that Dana offerings made to six types of practitioners create great merit. 

    1. Those without attachment

    2.Those who are working hard at destroying attachment

    3.Those without aversion

    4.Those who are working hard at  destroying aversion

    5.Those without ignorance

    6.Those who are working hard at destroying ignorance

Por Khao shared that what is most important is to uphold the five precepts and practicing mindfulness of the breath, in conjuction with bud (for the in breath) and dho (for the out breath). Breathe comfortably. 

Once the mind converges into calmness, contemplate the impurities of the body. 

Understand in detail that the body is merely composed of impure substances. Then contemplate the nature of the body to be anicca. After which, understand the body to be suffering. After which, understand the body to be anatta. At the end, contemplate the overall nature of the body to be impure, anicca, dukkha, and anatta. 

When one is tired of contemplation, return back to the mindfulness of the breath with Buddho. When the mind has rested enough, go back and contemplate the impurity, anicca, dukkha and anatta nature of the body. 

If one practices like that continuously, one will eventually be liberated from all suffering. 

Anumodana Sadhu! 

Bhante Hei


上次Por Khao Wanchart在香港說過(我大概分享),












未期癌症白衣分享,最重要是持好最少五戒下,深深呼吸,覺知呼吸入時知呼吸入默念Bud ,呼吸出時知呼吸出默念dho, 保持呼吸舒暢,





轉載自 sabai ha  師父 2019.2.29 facebook

CR: Ted

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