
Sunday 31 July 2022


( From book – THE WAY IT IS )

“The Buddha is the teacher, that within us which reminds us to observe the impermanent nature of all conditions and not to take any of them as reality. When we do, wheat happens? We have wars, strikes, battles and endless problems that exist in the world because ignorant beings take these conditions as reality. They attach to the mortal body as an identity. We get absorbed into these various symbols and concepts, and in that absorption we have to be born and die in those conditions. It’s like getting attached to something that is moving, such as greed, and being pulled along by that movement. So we’re born and die at that time. But when we don’t attach any more then we’re avoiding suffering from the movement and the limitations of changing conditions.

Now talking like this, people might question: ‘How do you live in this society then, if it’s all unreal?’ The Buddha made a very clear distinction between conventional reality and ultimate reality. On the conventional level of existence we use conventions that bring harmony to ourselves and to the society we live in. What kind of conventions bring harmony? Well, things like being good, being mindful, not doing things that cause disharmony, such as stealing, cheating and exploiting others; having respect and compassion for other beings, being observant, trying to help: all these conventions bring harmony.

So in the Buddhist teaching on the conventional level, we live in a way that supports doing good and refraining from doing evil with the body and speech. It’s not as if we are rejecting the conventional world ‘I want nothing  to do with it because it’s an illusion’ – that’s another illusion. 

Thinking that the conventional world is an illusion is just another thought.

In our practice, we see that thought is thought, ‘the world is an illusion’ is a thought. But here and now, be aware that all we are conscious of is changing. Live mindfully, put effort and concentration into what you do, whether you’re sitting walking, lying down or working. Whether you’re a man or a woman, a secretary, housewife or laborer or executive or whatever, apply effort and concentration. Do good and refrain from doing evil. This is how a Buddhist lives within the conventional forms of society. But they are no longer deluded by the body or the society, or the things that go on in the society, because a Buddhist is one who examines and investigates the universe by investigating their own body and mind.”

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