
Wednesday 6 July 2022

Ajahn Jayasaro

Ajahn Jayasaro

“During meditation, when the mind is firm, clear and alert in the presente moment, it as if the world and the person we believe yourself to be, disappears for a while. 

At that time we have no sense of name, gender or status. 

We do not experience ourself as a son or daughter, as a sibling, a spouse or a parente. 

We don´t look on ourself as good or bad, intelligente or stupid. 

We have entered another dimension of life, one characterised by a feeling of well-being that seems completely normal and natural. It is as if we have come home.

Opening our eyes and returning to the world of relationships and responsibilities, the memory of that other more profound dimension of life gives us a new perspective. 

We are conscious of a realm of peace within us, untouched by all the ups and downs of daily life. We fully participate in our world but don´t take it quite so seriously as before.”


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