
Sunday 10 July 2022

10 teachings of Somdej Phra Yannasangwon

10 teachings of Somdej Phra Yannasangwon

1. Even if something is true, if it is not the right time to use it to criticise or compliment another, then don’t scold or praise the person. It is better to keep calm instead.

2. If you have conquered the Mara in your heart, then the external Maras cannot harm you either. 

3. When a strong-minded person encounters challenges, it only invigorates his fighting spirit even more. 

4. The Lord Buddha taught us that it is of great benefit to live in the present. 

Practitioners should not mourn the past and fantasise about the future. 

5. Humans are of the nature to love. 

However, we should have mindfulness and not let love overpower our sati.

6. Forgive others who did wrong to us. 

Forgiveness is more beneficial for the victim than it is for the perpetrator. 

7. Believe in the law of kamma. If you believe in kamma, you will not fall under the influence of various superstitions and strange beliefs. 

8. Many people who perform meritorious deeds still suffer from worries and anxieties. 

Because they haven’t yet made their minds good. 

9. The right faith is born from careful examination, study and right understanding.

10. We must have patient endurance in order for wisdom to arise. Put down your resentment and make your mind at ease. Mindfulness brings wisdom and peace. 

Somdej Phra Yannasangwon 

19th Supreme Patriarch

Wat Bowonniwet Vihara

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