
Monday 25 July 2022

Luang Pu Waen Sujinno Teaching

Luang Pu Waen Sujinno Teaching

Luang Pu Waen Sujinno instructed all his disciples to learn how to pae metta. No matter who the recipient are, whether people, animals, enemies or asuras and demons, his disciples are to extend loving-kindness to them and spread metta throughout the universe.  

The more you spread metta, the more you yourself feel at ease and comfortable. If everyone can love the life and property of others as their own, then society will be happy and peaceful throughout. 

Luang Pu’s teaching is to extend metta by emulating how a mother gives love to her child when raising him until the child is able to take care of himself happily on his own. A mother’s love for her child is pure and does not require anything back in return. 

If we spread loving-kindness just like how the sun shines on every being, not discriminating on the characteristics of the recipient, then the results will be very powerful. 

Luang Phor Plien told me (Assoc Prof Dr. Pathom Nikmanon) that every night, Luang Pu Waen will radiate metta to the entire cosmos. But he found it strange that Russia as well as its followers only accepted a little bit of his metta. 

While Vietnam rejected his metta completely. Later he realised that at that time, Vietnam was undergoing a chaotic transformation. [This was during the Cold War era]

But later on, Vietnam was willing to accept more and more of Luang Pu’s metta. Luang Pu also instructed Luang Phor Plien to help Vietnam by radiating loving-kindness to the country, so Luang Phor Plien did so every night. 

Luang Phor Plien told me that “Luang Pu Waen’s psychic power and mental energy is comparable to the light of the sun, whilst mine is only the brightness of the light emitted from fireflies, incomparable to his. 

However, I still follow his instructions to do so every night” and Luang Phor is getting improving and getting better and better at it.

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