
Monday 25 July 2022

The Way to The True Happiness.

 Tan Ajahn Dtun

The Way to The True Happiness.

Our homes are not very nice place to live in  if they're dirty & untidy. 

Our minds are, actually, no different to our homes. 

If our mind is full of greed, anger & delusion, or in other words dukkha (suffering & discontentment), then they are also not a nice places to be in because within them there'll be only feelings of discontent & restlessness to be found. 

To make an untidy home nice & cosy requires that it be strengthened up & made clean & tidy.

Our minds too must also be cleaned, because when we do, so we are relieving from greed, anger & delusion.

As a consequence, coolness & peacefulness of mind will arise.

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