
Tuesday 31 August 2021

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart

20 June 2024

“If you know how to meditate and practise properly, you will realise that it’s not necessary to go to see your teacher very often. You only have to do so once in a while.

Especially these days, you have so many recorded Dhamma talks and books. You barely need to see your teacher because their essence is in their Dhamma discourse, not in their physical presence. But you are deluded to become attached to their physical appearance. For instance, when you arrive at the temple, you rush to take a picture of them for worshipping; even though they teach you that their essence lies in their Dhamma.

The Buddha said: ‘Whoever sees the Dhamma, sees me.’ The Buddha never allowed anyone to sculpt his image during his lifetime. He only emphasised on his teaching of the Dhamma: 

‘Dhamma-Vinaya will be your teacher in place of Tathagata from here on out. Whoever sees the Dhamma, sees me.’”

From “Against The Defilements.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

Latest Dhamma talks on Youtube:

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