
Friday 20 August 2021



Goodness is worthy of praise. Good meditation is worthy of praise, and that’s why you should praise yourself. Tell yourself how good meditation is, how wonderful it is. Then you will do it again and again. 

The mind feeds on praise, feeds on joy. Use that as a skilful means to encourage yourself more, and more, and more. We even have a word in Buddhism, Sādhu, Sādhu, Sādhu, well done, well done, well done! You have heard that so many times.

Buddhism is into praise, into encouragement, because it works. So worship that which is worthy of worship. Don’t praise foolish people; don’t praise sports stars, who win cups, or film stars, or whatever. If someone wins a war, don’t praise that sort of stuff. Praise those who are worthy of praise. It’s not worth praising those worldly qualities. If you’ve become a millionaire, that’s not worthy of praise.

What is worthy of praise? The person who has just given flowers to the shrine, or somebody who has worked so hard on the meditation cushion is worthy of praise. Maybe, it was the first time they have been on a retreat, and they have done so well. That’s worthy of praise. Someone who has for the very first time maintained a mind in the present moment, even if just for a while during this whole nine day retreat, that’s worthy of praise. Praise that which is worthy of praise. 

Work at that which is truly workable, and then you encourage yourself, and you encourage good qualities in the world. It means that your meditation becomes strong. Goodness becomes strong. Virtue becomes strong. Not only does it mean that your happiness level rises in life, but it also means that when you come to a meditation retreat, you’ve done all of the background work. You come into the retreat not just with an empty hand, but with all these great spiritual qualities, with this great spiritual wealth, with all this goodness that you have done.

Source: “Practising In The World” by Ajahn Brahmavamso

📸 was taken on Sep 23, 2016 during Ajahn Brahm’s Meditation Retreat @Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery, Singapore.

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