
Tuesday 24 August 2021

Story of Luang Por Jamnian

Story of Luang Por Jamnian

When I was a young child, I accumulated a lot of bad karma at one point, beginning when I was seven years old. I would only use half a coconut to cook for my family. I would invert the other half of the coconut and save it for the next meal. 

When I came back to pick it up, a large group of fire ants had unknowingly ravaged the coconut. When I turned the coconut over, I was bitten. In addition to the pain of being bitten by fire ants, I also developed a strong allergic reaction. My hands became swollen and itchy. Out of fury, I set fire to the ants. The hand later had an ulcer, and it took a long time to heal. 

Since then, whenever I spot fire ant colonies, I would pour oil or alcohol on them and set them on fire. I did this for a few years, when I was very ruthless with fire ants. During the period that I killed fire ants, my body developed an itchy red rash. I tried several therapies and drugs, but they still didn't work for a long time.

During my ninth year as a monk (twenty-nine years old), I was undergoing Vassa (the rainy season retreat). No matter where I meditated, fire ants would bite me. Whenever I stopped meditating, the fire ants would stop biting. When I started to meditate again, they would bite again. I could not get rid of the rash.

One day, while I was meditating, a monk noticed my situation. He said, "Ajaan! You have rashes all over your body, your body is swollen! What's wrong with you?" I replied, "It's okay. I was bitten by fire ants." 

The bhikkhu asked me, "Where are they? I haven't seen one. Let me find them for you."

I replied: "They are the fire ants of karma."

In my mind, I could see them clearly. I saw how they lifted their feet when they pierced their heads into my flesh. The scene was as clear as in the day. They were all over me. I felt an unstoppable burning sensation overwhelming my entire body. The feeling was so strong that I almost died. At that moment, I felt the pain piercing through my heart and soul, but I refused to get up from my meditation. For a short moment, I saw myself setting fire to the ant column. I could see clearly what happened the first time, but the ones that followed were less clear.

I gained the insight that out of my anger towards the first few fire ants which had bitten me, I had burned lots of fire ants, most of which never actually caused any harm to me.

Thereafter, my body felt really light and I felt very relaxed. Since then, I have never been harassed by ants when I meditated, nor have I gotten another rash. I believe that the karma of burning fire ants has been worn out. 

Luang Phor Jamnian

Wat Khao Lao

Cr. Translated by Ted and photo from

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