
Monday 9 August 2021

Short Dhamma Talk by Luang pu to 8 Precept nun

Short Dhamma Talk by Luang pu to 8 Precept nun

Luang pu: In this Covid period, many people will ask me on wealth matter or lottery number and few will ask me about dhamma.

8 precept nun: I been ordained for 22 years and study under a Sayadaw in Myanmar. I been to Thailand Luang pu Ganha monastery to practice. Recently, I found that my vipassana practice had deteriorated. Had also hear voice telling me that I only have one year left for my life. I am not afraid of death but at least I know I can do arrangement if the voice that tell me is true. I found it hard to chant Buddho also. Seeking Luang pu advice.

Luang pu : Everyone will have to die  but at least one that die while practice is better than those that don’t practice. You should be thankful on this voice that urge you to put into practice. Those who did not keep their precept or practice generosity and meditation should be more worried. This is because they do not know where they will go. You had been ordained for 22 years and had keep precept and practice meditation which had accumulate wholesome goodness. This will bring you to a pleasure rebirth. I rejoice your 22 years of keeping precept and practice. For monks that had ordained 20 years, we called them, maha thera. 

Vipassana or chanting of Buddho is just a labelling. When you watch you breath, there is arising and falling. That is vipassana. The wholesome deed that you done to offer to this sima hall is wholesome karma and is belong to you.  You do not have to go and ask around on too many questions. You just have to put in practice on concentration. Once you had practice well your concentration and your mind will be steady. You will not be afraid of death.

I am 85 years old and you are young. I can see death then you. Do not think too much and bother about the voice that you hear. Do not be attached to the feeling. You just need to be mindful. Mindfulness will leads to concentration. Do you understand?

After, 8 precept nun request for 3 refuge and 8 precept. Following with the requesting for forgiveness. The temple offered the requisites in behalf of 8 precept nun and dedicated persons.

Luang pu give his blessing.

Seek forgiveness if there is any omission and error on the translating the dhamma talk to above.Had written the best knowledge that one know.




长老说:在这个 Covid 时间。很多人会问我财富问题或彩票号码,很少会有人请示我佛法。

八戒尼:我出家 22 年,在缅甸的一位尊者之下学习。我去过泰国隆坡Ganha寺修行。最近,我发现我的内观修持退化了。还听到声音告诉我,我的生命只剩下一年了。我不怕死,但至少我知道如果告诉我的声音是真的,我可以安排。我发现也很难念诵佛陀。。求长老指点。

长老:每个人都必须死,但至少一个在修行中死去的人比没修行的人要好。你应该感谢这声音。那些不守戒、不修布施、不禅修的人更应该担心。这是因为他们不知道他们会去哪里。你出家22年,持戒、禅定,积善,这将带你往生快乐。我为你 22 年的持戒和实践感到随喜。对于出家 20 年的比丘,我们称他们为长老。



之后,八戒尼请求 3 皈依和 8 戒。接着是请求宽恕。寺庙代表者八戒尼和回向者供养必需品给长老



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