
Tuesday 10 August 2021

Story of Luang Phor Koon

Story of Luang Phor Koon

Revered Venerable Senior Mahathera Phra Thep Wittayakom, better known to the locals as Luang Phor Koon, is a household name in the province of Korat and beyond. There is no Buddhist family that has not heard of Luang Phor's name. Luang Phor is like a big umbrella who provides cool shade for everyone, building temples, schools, hospitals, infrastructure and the like for the good of the Thai people and the Buddha Sasana. 

After the girl jumped out of a flaming building only clutching the rian of LP Koon and surviving without a scratch, hundreds of thousands of people have since rushed to the temple to get blessed by Luang Phor. So much so that even the gravel path leading to Wat Ban Rai has been replaced with an asphalt concrete road. 

Luang Phor Koon had a unique way of blessing people. He would gently tap their heads with his stick. Overseas Chinese devotees from Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan etc. would travel for thousands of kilometres just to get their head knocked by Luang Phor. There was a famous story of one Thai family who lived in the distant rural provinces who came all the way to get blessed by Luang Phor Koon. 

Among them was a tall, young lady about the age of 20, who was behaving erratically. But the family just thought that she was suffering from some mental imbalance and she had been visiting the psychiatrist for some time already, always taking her medication and visiting the doctor on time, so her condition was considered under control. One day the father just thought it would be auspicious to get the whole family to Wat Ban Rai to make merit and see Luang Phor. 

That day, Luang Phor Koon as usual, went about his daily routine knocking people's heads. For some people, they felt that they had very bad luck, so they asked Luang Phor to knock their heads harder. Some people were scared of pain so they asked Luang Phor to just tap their heads lightly. Luang Phor obliged as requested by his devotees. 

So everyone was shocked when he came up to that girl, stared at her face for a moment, and gave her head a big whack with his stick while shouting "You there, get out of here now! Go wherever you need to go!" 

The girl immediately lost consciousness. 

When she came to, she looked different from before and acted and behaved with proper respect. Her parents immediately kneeled before Luang Phor Koon to thank him with tears in their eyes, because they just realised their mistake. Their daughter was not suffering from a mental illness, she was affected by dark magic and spirits. 

Her father begged some holy water from Luang Phor Koon to take home for his daughter to shower with and drink, and slowly even the last of the symptoms disappeared. This family remained every grateful to the great kindness and power of Luang Phor Koon Parisuttho.

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