
Wednesday 4 August 2021

Devotee: Is it more efficacious to pray to Taowesuwan or Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin Bodhisatta)?

Devotee:  Is it more efficacious to pray to Taowesuwan or Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin Bodhisatta)?

Chao Khun Keng: Haha! That’s a very good question. Probably because we are influenced by the Theravada tradition, my answer will be shaped in that way. What I am about to say does have its roots in the Suttas, specifically the Atanatiya Paritta. Hence, I dare to share with all of you. There are records of these contents within the Suttas, I also have had such experiences.

There was once when I was practicing in an area surrounded by villagers. These native inhabitants were very hostile, and they often verbally abused me. They held parangs and threatened me. My legs were shaking when I witnessed this sight. I am not made of steel and iron. If they wielded the parang against me, my life would be gone. They asked, “Why are you here?” I replied, “I’m working here.” 

That was not a joke at all. Many things happened to me during that period of time. Many people used black magic on me and I was not in Thailand. If I was in Thailand, the Kruba Ajahns would be able to save me. But at that point, that was no Kruba Ajahn to help me! So then, I recollected the Atanatiya Paritta.

It was really miraculous. I received the help of the Devas. When I was meditating, I saw many Devas holding iron rods. They told me, “Ajaan don’t be afraid, we will protect you.” Immediately, faith arose in my mind. I became confident that I could resolve the current problem. Those Devas would immediately lash out at whoever tried to harm me and they got into a rough fight. 

Without the assistance of the Devas, I would not have endured through those hard times.

Hence, that is why we constructed a Taowesuwan statue outside our monastery, holding an iron rod in his hand. Some people ask me, “Ajaan, why do you put such an ugly statue in front of the kuti. 

“Ugly? I am indebted to his assistance. [By erecting this statue], I will remember them when I recite the Suttas.” Because, we need to have gratitude as a person. When we do not have the ability to resolve problems, we need the help of others.

As to Avalokiteshvara, in our perception, Avalokiteshvara has a female appearance, and as monks…. (laughs) Actually, what does Avalokiteshvara or Kuan Shi Yin Pu Sa mean? Kuan Shi Yin (“sound perceiver” or “he who looks down upon sound”) What is the sound that Kuan Yin perceives? It is the sound of samsara, dukkha, anicca, anatta! In India, Avalokiteshvara is depicted as round and plump. India has their own version of Kuan Yin! Hence, in different cultures, different deities are depicted in different manners. 

In Thailand, Taowesuwan is depicted as a Yakkha, very fierce with long teeth and holding an iron rod in his hand. But if u look at our Chinese Mahayana versions, Taoweisuwan is depicted as a very majestic general instead, not fierce at all. In Vajrayana, Taowesuwan is depicted in another manner also.

Hence, there are different depictions in different cultures. All the Dhammas are based on one's mind. All these images are drawn to fit the faith and beliefs of the native communities. Hence, if you ask me whether it is more efficacious to pray to Taowesuwan or Avalokiteshvara. I believe that I have already answered your question."

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