
Friday 20 August 2021

From The Heightened Mind: Dhamma Talks of Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo, translated by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu

From The Heightened Mind: Dhamma Talks of Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo, translated by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu

Don’t be a busybody. Wherever you live, try to be quiet and at peace. 

Don’t get entangled or “play the gongs” with the other members of the group. Don’t get involved in issues unless it really can’t be helped. 

When you’ve studied and understand your duties, look for quiet, solitary places to live and to meditate. 

When you live with others, look for quiet groups to live with. When you live alone, in physical seclusion, be a quiet person. Even when you live with the group, be a secluded person. Take only the good, peaceful things the group has to offer. 

When you live alone, don’t get involved in a lot of activity. Be quiet in your actions, quiet in your speech, quiet in your mind. 

When you live in a group—either two or three people—don’t get involved in quarrels, for when there’s quarreling there’s no peace. Your actions aren’t peaceful, for you have to get up and storm around. Your words aren’t peaceful. Your mind—with its thoughts of anger, revenge, and ill will—isn’t peaceful. And this gives rise to all sorts of bad karma. 

When you live in a community— anywhere from four on up to 99— you have to make sure that the community is at peace, that there’s no conflict, no quarreling, no hurting one another’s feelings or doing one another harm. 

The community should be a cooperative for training peacefully in virtue and the Dhamma. That’s when it’s a good community, orderly and civilized, fostering progress for all its members. 

This is one of our duties as part of the Buddha’s following, in line with the Buddha’s bidding. It’s called pantañca sayanāsanaṁ: creating a quiet place to live, at your ease in both body and mind.



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