
Thursday 26 August 2021

“Asking for forgiveness”

 *The teachings of Ajahn Suchart*

“Asking for forgiveness”

Question from Chile:  “What is the procedure one should use in order to ask for forgiveness from people whom I may have offended or hurt in my life, and to animals that I have harmed or killed in the past? Is this best done through mettā meditation or is there another, preferred, way to do this? Is it even possible to obtain forgiveness from people and animals who have long since died?”

Than Ajahn:  “If they’ve already passed away, it’s not possible for you to contact them. 

There’s nothing you can do. So just be sorry in your mind and try not to repeat the same mistake again. If you think that you’ve hurt those people who now have passed away, then you just have to keep reminding yourself that you should not do it again. 

If you can say, ‘sorry’ or ask for forgiveness from those who are still alive, do it. For example you go to that person and say, ‘I’m sorry and I would like to make amend. What can I do to make you feel better or feel good? Can I give you some money? Can I do something for you?’

This is to show your remorse of what you have done.”

“Dhamma in English, Q&A session, Jan 23, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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