
Wednesday 4 January 2023

Phra Paisan Wisalo

Phra Paisan Wisalo

Doing good deeds and helping others is our duty. As to whether the people we’ve helped will be appreciative or not, this is their affair. Will they realise our kindness or even acknowledge us is up to them.

If we feel unappreciated and upset, then our suffering only increases. Therefore whenever we help anyone, we shouldn’t expect them to recognise our contribution. Many good people suffer because of this. 

Let us realise that being virtuous and helping others is our duty. As for gratitude, it is the other party’s duty. If they respond ungratefully, then it’s on them. They will be making unwholesome kamma. We shouldn’t become angry or demand that they repay us. 

Too often people demand some kind of repayment which results in overwhelming pressure on the recipient and makes the relationship worse. Perhaps the recipient has already repaid, but we are expecting even more. Thus we become disappointed and dissatisfied with the supposed lack of reciprocity. 

When it is time to do good, we just do good without expecting anything in return. The virtue of children is gratefulness to their parents. Whether they realise it or not depends on them. Eventually, we believe that they will see. 

May we all do good deeds with sincerity. 

Phra Paisan Wisalo

Wat Pasukato, Chaiyaphum

20 January 2023

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