
Saturday 14 January 2023

Luang Phor Jaran Thittadhammo

 Luang Phor Jaran Thittadhammo

In Wat Amphawan today, there are 4 or 5 monks who became hungry ghosts. They come to receive their share of the merit everyday. Whether you see them or not, I don't know. 

I asked, "You haven't gone to be reborn yet?"

"Not yet khrap. I still have not finished expiating my evil kamma," he would reply. 

Travelling around begging for merit and staying at this temple, with Luang Ta Feuang for example. The other monk is called Luang Ta Kao, still around here. 

On Wan Phra (Buddhist holy day), they will come here regularly. Beside the Ubosot, come and accept [the merits] of Sangkatan that is being offered. 

And they will also sneak around and take a look at the kammathan kutis, see whoever who has boon watsana (merit) from meditation, and they will request for a share of merit. 

Whoever whose trade didn't earn a profit or lost their capital, they will not ask, because that person has no merit. Hungry ghosts don't enter their homes. 

Hungry ghosts can enter homes to beg for merit. Can hungry ghosts enter temples? Yes they can. Only very fierce demons like Asuras are unable to enter. 

If our home has merit, there will be tewadas protecting the house. Asuras, evil Yakkhas, they won't be able to enter the home. There is no need for you to invite monks home to write Phayants or scatter holy sand around. 

If we suat mon wai phra (chant and pay respects) everyday, practice the kammathan and pae metta, this [evil] group cannot enter our homes. The only ones who can enter are hungry ghosts. They can go around begging everywhere, asking for a share of merit. 

We have come here to practice meditation. If our deceased relatives and ancestors have been reborn as hungry ghosts, they will come and ask for merit. If anyone hears the sound of a hungry ghost, it is probably his or her relative. If we do not hear, then it is not our relative. 

If you hear their cry for merit, then quickly spread merit to them. Your relatives from whichever past life, it doesn't matter. Not everyone will go to heaven after they die. 

Luang Phor Jaran Thittadhammo

Wat Amphawan, Singburi Province

1 February 2023

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