
Wednesday 4 January 2023

Ajahn Jayasaro

Ajahn Jayasaro

About ten years ago in Barcelona, I had the great honour of accompanying and translating for, the most venerable Ajahn Jayasaro for three days. During those three days I, alongside a few devout Thai friends, had the pleasure of being with Ajahn as he taught in English and I translated into Spanish. I rode with him and Ajahn Vajiro, as he visited the spectacular Parc Güell and graciously accepted an invite to visit my beautiful home town of Sitges. I slept on the floor of the dwellings rented for the two monks, to assist in any way necessary. 

Having read and learned from the wonderful teachings of Luangpor Chah for more than ten years, secretly hoping that one day I would be able to ordain into his lineage, while at the same time aware that as an Insulin dependent Diabetic, I might be rejected, to meet an Ajahn Chah monk was, for me, like meeting royalty or the worlds most famous person, and he did not disappoint! For the three days I observed Ajahn Jayasara closely, scrutinising his moves, his mannerisms, his speech, his way of addressing people and his wise, considered responses to questions or comments. In serving food into his alms bowl I was hugely impressed by his kindness, restraint and gratitude. He really did not put a foot wrong and was, for me, a living example of what a practicing Bhikkhu can, and ideally should be. 

I had read the story of the Arahant Maechee Kaew. Her description of the Great Ajahn Mun, as he appeared in her village from the surrounding forest, I fond truly inspiring. For me, the Great Ajahn Jayasaro, left that same profound impact, that same sense of awe that will never leave me. 

I write all of this to express my GREAT delight, my heart felt joy, for a young friend who had the opportunity to meet, pay respects to, learn from and sit with Ajan Jayasaro, the modern day master of Thai Buddhism and disciple of Ajahn Chah. Young Padair, an accomplished meditator, eager dhamma student, highly intelligent and polite, respectful, kind man, was blessed to attend Ajahn’s dhamma talk at Wat Buddhapadipa in Wimbledon last night. I had no doubt in my mind that this young Dhamma brother would be impressed by Ajahn Jayasaro and eagerly awaited his response yesterday evening. His message to me, “I am without words!” was exactly what I expected, and my heart has been soaring since! 😁😁😁🙏❤️ 

I believe that Ajahn Jayasaro, who has lived a very exclusive life in an unknown, carefully guarded secret location for many years, is teaching in the U.K for a few weeks. I hope beyond hope that I will be able to see him. If any of you have the opportunity to hear Ajahn speak, I would encourage you to give up everything to do so. I promise you that it will be life changing and something that you will cherish for always, as I too cherish my memories of this wise, compassionate, joyful and humble renunciate.


May all beings be happy, free from suffering and attain Nibbāna 


17 January 2023

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