
Wednesday 4 January 2023

Luang Pu Plien Panyapatipo

Luang Pu Plien Panyapatipo

Being born as a human but not doing any good deeds, is like a monkey who came across diamonds but threw them all away. A monkey who finds diamonds don’t know their true value, so he throws them away as he enters the forest. 

This is just an analogy. Now everyone sitting here for example, have a human body which was a result of the goodness and merit that you have performed in your previous life. It is cause and effect. The good kamma is the cause and the effect is being born human. 

But if you are not interested in using this human body to tamboon and perform goodness…Example not giving donations, not upholding the precepts, also don’t bother to pawana, neither do you do anything to benefit yourself or others until you reach old age, then it is as if you are living and dying in vain. 

It is called “dying from the goodness and merit that you ought to have obtained” (admin: not direct translation). The merits you could have done, you also didn’t do, so there is no benefit whatsoever. People like that are silly. Example being born as a silly monkey who found a diamond but threw it into the jungle. 

Monkeys cannot appreciate the value of diamonds such as to bring it to embellish and beautify a certain place. Likewise, if we are born and yet don’t create any goodness until the moment we die, then we are no different. I offer this for your consideration. 

Luang Pu Plien Panyapatipo

Wat Aranyawiwake, Chiang Mai

Admin: Yesterday I spoke to a Luang Phor staying in a cave who is in need of a water distribution system for his small cave temple, which is a low-profile samnaksong not even listed on Google Maps. I visited him again today to discuss more. Luang Phor gave me a tour around the temple grounds, which encompassed a few small caves. 

Luang Phor was a tudong monk before settling down here so he doesn't have much money. I have decided to launch a special merit-making project to raise the necessary funds, which will include the cost of hiring personnel to find and locate a water source, as well as installing a water pump. 

If you are interested to help, do keep an eye out for the post tomorrow or the day after. I hope for all brothers and sisters’ support as providing water is very meritorious. 

All donations will be reflected transparently so as to maintain accountability to the donors. I will also personally hand the donations to Luang Phor with photo evidence 🙏🙏🙏 ☺️

24 January 2023

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