
Wednesday 4 January 2023

Luang Pu Doo Prompanyo

Luang Pu Doo Prompanyo

"Wherever a person is

If he misses me

I will also be thinking of him

Whenever he stops recollecting me

I am still thinking of him

Because I always pray for everyone, everyday without fail. 

Three times a day, at dawn, in the evening and at night before I sleep. To help all of you to be safe and well."

Luang Pu once said, “A person who that does pawana, is a person that all beings love. Not just humans or animals, even tewadas also will anumodana and bless him…If you regard the kilesas (defilements of greed, hatred and delusion) as though they were something rotten or stinking, that is also a good thing.”

Once a luksit informed Luang Pu, “I’ve been meditating for a long time. The others, they have all seen nimittas, colors and the like. But I haven’t seen anything.”

Luang Pu replied, “Have your greed, anger and delusion diminished or not? If they have, then I believe your meditation is still doable.”

Luang Pu Doo Prompanyo

Wat Sakae, Ayutthaya Province

22 January

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