
Thursday 27 October 2022

"What would I do if I am born a human being?"

This is a popular post being shared by the Thais which I feel is quite meaningful, so I am translating for you guys - 

"What would I do if I am born a human being?"

The Heavenly Devas replied, "We will strive and practice the Dhamma and meditation. This is because the human body is the most convenient form in which to study and practice the Noble Eightfold Path. In the heavenly realms, there is too much partying, too much enjoyment, too much sensual pleasures distracting us from meditation."

The powerful Naga serpents replied, "We would ordain as monks and nuns. 

Last time, one of our own tried to ordain as a monk, but he was discovered by the Lord Buddha and had to leave the Sangha Order. If we can ordain as monks and nuns, we can practice the Path that leads to the End of Suffering, Nibbana. Nagas are supernaturally powerful but yet we can't ordain. What a pity!"

The Guardian Spirits of the Earth (土地公) replied, "If we are born as humans, we would definitely not miss a day of offering alms to monks going pindabat. Now we have to live on the offerings of people who offer food to us at our shrines. But we would rather make merit for ourselves, this is better."

The Animals replied, "If we were born as humans, we would do more for the welfare of other animals. Animals can't speak, and many of them are being mistreated by human beings, used for experiments in labs, killed for food, or being tortured. Humans are intelligent, they can use their wisdom to do good instead of evil."

The Hungry Ghosts replied, "If we were human, we would observe the 5 precepts. Now we have mouths with a hole as small as the width of a tiny needle, even if people offer food to us, we can't consume it! We are always hungry. If we observe the precepts, we won't have to be born in this state of woe."

The Hell Beings replied, "If we were human, we should have done more dana and tamboon. 

Make more merit, perfect our parami. Hell is so hot and full of unbearable pain, we can't make merit, we can't practice the Dhamma. We will not want to sin again!"

But Human Beings reply, "As a human, it is most important to accumulate wealth and properties. After that, I can enjoy life and party and enjoy myself to the fullest. I see everyone enjoying life on social media, especially the rich people. I want to be like them."

Despite more opportunities to practice than inhabitants of all other realms, we often miss our chance to. 

Cr. Amata Tham Thailand

6th November, 2022

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