
Saturday 15 October 2022

The Discourse on Kathina (Myaung Mya Sayadaw)

The Discourse on Kathina
(Myaung Mya Sayadaw)

The important one for Buddhist

Today is an auspicious day because we have one of our Burmese festivals as a Kathina festival (Kathina ceremony). This ceremony is very important for Buddhist people. Because this is one kind of ceremony which should be celebrated on the base of Buddha's teaching. The other ceremonies in Burma are not all Buddhist ceremonies but communal one. This Kathina ceremony is specific one for the Monks' well-being and welfare. At the same time it is held for the welfare and well-being of Lay person also. Because this Kathina kamma is especially allowed and laid down by the Buddha in order to observe the Vinaya rules and at the same time in order to lift up some monastic disciplinary rules. It is very important to know for the Buddhists.

The difficulty of 30 Bikkhus

 In the Buddha's life time, as you know, some thirty monks called Bhadda Vaggiya were staying at a small town called Pava. Before observing of the Vassa they were expecting to see the Buddha and to listen to the Buddha's teaching (Dhamma). But unfortunately the observance day is quite close, too close to proceed to the Savatthi where the Buddha was staying. Because of that they had to stay at the small town of Pava throughout the three months of rains retreat, although they were keenly desirous of seeing the Buddha and listening to the Dhamma talk to express their attainment. But unfortunately they could not go directly to the Buddha's residential place, Jetavana Vihara at the town of Savatthi.

These two towns of Savatthi and Pava are not so far from each other, according to Buddha's scripture only 45 yojana away. Then as soon as the Vassa over they proceeded, they set out for the Savatthi to see the Buddha. At that time the rainy season was not over at all. Very heavy rains were coming very often because of that the road and path were very dirty, and full of mud. At that time, all Bhikkhus had to carry away three robes along their journey, that is, wherever they travelled they had to carry these three robes without leaving any of them anywhere. Because of that they had to carry these robes altogether. Out of them, a double over robe called Sanghati is very heavy. On the way, due to the rain, due to the muddy situation they had to carry this burden of robes with difficulty. Therefore they were not happy on the way to Savatthi.

Buddha's question

 Then when they arrived at Savatthi the Buddha usually asked all new comer Bikkhus, namely all visiting Bikkhus "what was attainment you got during the three months of rains retreat. What about your journey? Is it happy one or unhappy one?" These are usual questions. Then those monks, Bhadda vaggiya Bikkhus answered as follows.

Allowing Kathina

"Venerable Sir, we got some attainment of the higher state of Dhamma. But in our journey to Savatthi, to the presence of the Buddha we met great difficulty due to the rains and muddy situation. Another matter is that we have had to carry these robes wherever we have to go.

So we were carefully carrying these robes in order not to be wet. Because of that we got somewhat difficulty". Then Buddha laid down O! Bikkhus in order to release from such an unhappy state, and from such a difficulty I allow you from today on Kathina robes. In order to hold Kathina ceremony you have to read Kammavaca and before the reading the Kammavaca you must choose one of the Samgha members. 

Then you should give the Kathinacivara to this entitled monk only. Then this entitled monk must read Kammavaca.

Only then Kathina ceremony has been properly held. In this way Buddha allowed Kathinacivara and laid down some rules regarding Kathina civara. Therefore performance of Kathina kamma from that day on until our age the Kathina ceremony nearly every year had been held.

By performance of the Kathina kamma some kinds of benefit, or result accrued to the Sangha, while the givers, or the donors of kathinacivara, also have the similar benefits as a result. 

Because of that everywhere, in every Buddhist country Kathina ceremony is being held every year.

Five benefits for the monk

 The five consequences are as follows;

(1) Due to this Kathina Kamma, monk can leave any robe without unnecessarily carrying away when they travel.

(2) Bikkhus are not usually allowed to go outside without asking for permission to go out from a present monk.

 If he commits this rule he gets an offence. Now due to the Kathina he frees from such offences.

(3) According to vinaya rules monks are not allowed to accept food for meals which are offered by unsuitable terms (Akapiya vohara). If they do so they are liable to get an offence (APATTI). 

Now due to this Kathina kamma they are free from such Apatti within five months until the full moon day of the Phagguna month (Tabaung la pye).

(4) Before the laying down of Kathina Kamma monks are not allowed to keep extra robes for more than ten days without making Vinaya procedures such as Adhithana and Vikappana. If they violate this rule they are guilty with some offence. Now due to this Kathina Kamma they get Freedom from that rule within five months.

(5) The Kathina robe should be offered with reference to the Sangha. It must be Sangikha, the Sangha’s possession. This type of requisite should be as usual shared with every present Sangha member. But in this respect of Kathina kamma, this robe is not necessary to be shared with all present monks except those who observed Vassa in this monastery without any break. These are the benefits gained by the Sangha. The similar results will accrue to the donors also.

Five benefits for the donors

(1) They will be free from unhappy states throughout their lives. When they make a journey of whether short or long distance they won't be hampered by unnecessary preparation for their journey, but will furnished with all requirement and provisions.

(2) They will have freedom from hindrances of any kind and they will get every inclination fulfilled.

(3) They won't be affected by poison or obsession of any ill-treat spells etc.

(4) Their possessions will never be spoiled or lost; they will be able to leave their belongings behind without any worry, that is, they will be safe. 

(5) The donors of the Kathina robe will always be fortunate their good wills ever be fufilled and they will be successful among many rivals. But many I remind you all of a great point. Whenever you cultivate wholesome deeds you should not allow yourself to be a prey of attachment.

You should do meritorious deed only for the sake of merit but not for the sake of worldly results. Or otherwise your good action will be tainted by mental defect.

Offering of Kathina robe 

Venerable Sir. We are offering Kathina robe to the Sangha in order to hold Kathina ceremony by choosing entitled monk among the Sangha, according to Vinaya rules.

 May we attain happiness, peace and the cessation of all kinds of suffering because of this good deeds. 

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

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