
Thursday 27 October 2022

In a devotee's own words: "LUANG POR JUMNEAN has saved many lives; one of them was me....

In a devotee's own words:
"LUANG POR JUMNEAN has saved many lives; one of them was me....

Recalling back in the year 2006, I was working in Singapore at that time. 

Who was it I do not know did a BLACK MAGIC spelled on me. 

This person first did it physically, but because I was wearing Buddhist amulet so the spell did not manage to get me. But one of my amulet cracked and the Tangkai which was on me just slip out from my waist...Imagine the Tangkai was tied to my waist very strongly just fell on the ground while I was showering. At that instance I felt something was wrong with me. I just ignored it.

Then as time goes by, my skin began to have spots and it's itchy. Each time when I scratch it, it began to bleed and was itchy. Friends saw and told me to see the doctor but I refused cause I knew that it's not a skin disease. I applied cream and it seems to get worst. 

Later on my bones was very painful and I had to limb while I was walking.

Every evening at about 7pm, I will start to have fever. And believe me as days passed I began to lose concentration in my work. Each day it's eating up my bones and it really hurts.

Then one day I received a call from my brother saying that Luang por Jumnean wants to see me and asked me to come back to KL because he's arriving. I kept telling my brother that I could not make it. He did not give up and kept trying to change my mind. I kept on telling him no I can't. 

In my life I have never said that I will not see Luang Por Jumnean whenever he's here in Malaysia. Then, I was asked to chant this "METTA PUTTO PUTTO AH HO SIT" it's a Metta of Loving Kindness given by Luang Por Jumnean. 

Trust me this is a very strong Metta. I chant this Metta very often. When I started to chant this, my mind started to change.

Then in the morning, I went to the bus terminal and catch the bus to KL. If I was late for 15 minutes, I would have not been able to come back. 

During my journey to KL, I could feel the pain that was in my head. It's much worse than migraine.

When I arrived that evening, I went straight to see Luang Por where he stayed. When I arrived Luang Por was resting and I met his disciple. 

My brother was there too and they were shocked to see me and immediately my tears starts to flow like a running tap. 

At 9 pm, Luang Por Jumnean came down to the hall and about to start his evening chanting. 

Before he starts, I went to see him and he looked at my hands and legs and told me, "You have been Black Magic". Then from that moment on he slowly healed me. 

For a month I was with him and that was the time he took it all out from me. 

Wherever he goes I was by his side. 

After 28 days, I was as clean as a newborn child. Luang Por Jumnean then accepted me as his God son and opened up a new road for me to pursue a new journey."

5th November, 2022

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