
Sunday 16 October 2022

Thanissaro Bhikkhu "How to Feed Mindfulness"

Thanissaro Bhikkhu "How to Feed Mindfulness" 

"Mindfulness is what keeps the practice in mind and allows you to remember what you did so you can understand the connection between what you did and the results you're getting. 

Alertness is what allows you to see what you're doing right now. When you develop the resolve to act only on skillful intentions, and the proper understanding of how your actions shape your life, those are the conditions that feed mindfulness, that allow mindfulness and alertness to grow strong. So it's not the case that people can just walk in off the street, sit down, and develop mindfulness. It takes the ability to look at your life and make some decisions about how you're going to live, and how you understand the best way of living. That's when mindfulness has a chance." 

Antony Woods shared a link :

24th October, 2022

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