
Sunday 16 October 2022

Luang Pu Khao Analayo

Luang Pu Khao Analayo 

Luang Pu Khao Analayo once related an account of his time at at Phu Tham Kho. There was one story relating to the mystical Nagas, a  powerful snake-dragon demigod. Luang Pu often set his mind in samadhi when he meditated. One night, a nimitta arose and he saw in the vision thousands of serpents, large and small ones moving out of the cave in a long procession. 

Luang Pu was curious and asked them, "Where are you all going like this?" The Chief of the Nagas replied him, "We are a family of respectable land Nagas." Since he did not reply his question, Luang Pu Khao had to ask again, "Where are you all heading to? Why don't you keep to the original place?"

"We are moving towards Huay Ee Dtum because ever since your holiness has moved into this cave, our group has found it difficult to stay on." 

"And why is that so?" asked a perplexed Luang Pu. 

"It is because we are taller than your holiness and because of your great purity, by the power of keeping the precepts purely, this made us very warm and uncomfortable all over our bodies. Hence we will move to a lower level so that it will be more acceptable in adherence to our respect for you." 

Out of all the Nagas, there was one young male Naga with a rock bound to his mouth. Luang Pu thought it very strange and asked the leader, "Why did you have to bind his mouth?"

The chief replied, "Well, he is a stubborn fellow and we had feared that he would do harm to your holiness."

After leaving the state of samadhi, Luang Pu Khao considered this matter thoroughly and stated that the affairs of the Nagas aren't written down in a textbook anywhere, but if you enter samadhi you can see it for yourself. Thus it is Sanditthiko, testable by practice and can only be known by oneself through direct experience.

27th October, 2022

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