
Sunday 26 June 2022

“The mind, once it is purified, it will always remained purified regardless of the situation.”

The Teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

12 December 2022

“The mind, once it is purified, it will always remained purified regardless of the situation.”

Question:  How is the state of consciousness of a fully enlightened person different from a regular person?

Than Ajahn:  Without defilements, without greed, hate and delusion.  The consciousness is the same. The consciousness is compared to the clothes we wear, once you wash them, you get rid of all the dirty stuff from the clothes and you get the cleaned clothes. They are still the same clothes, same things, same consciousness but without greed, hate and delusion, without desire: kāma-taṇhā, bhava-tanhā, vibhava-tanhā. You need to use the practice of sīla, samādhi and pañña to be able to get rid of all these defilements.


Question:  When the consciousness is fully purified in a fully enlightened being, do they have access to knowledge of the universe that is not possible for regular people?

Than Ajahn:  They have more knowledge about the inner universe, the spiritual world, but not so much of the physical world.  They know more about heaven and hell and different levels of existences.


Question:   How much is that dependent on the condition, so if a fully enlightened being is put into a state of war/conflict, will they lose their ability to have that sense of purification because a lot of it is dependent on causes of conditions?

Than Ajahn:  The mind once it is purified, it will always remained purified regardless of the situation because the process of purification or the arisen of defilement is within the mind itself, not dependent on the external condition.  Once you have eliminated the cause that makes the mind defiles, then it will be always pure.

By Ajaan Suchart Abhijāto

Youtube: Dhamma in English

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