
Friday 3 June 2022

Phra Maha Woraphon Kittivaro

Have you ever heard of “Jit Duang Suthai”  (something like last thought moment or consciousness)

Before departing from this world

What is the mind obsessed with?

It is also attached to that thing

Nowadays we see many people committing suicide

There is news on that almost every day

Many people suffer pain and sorrow

Have suffering and want to run away from their problems

And choose to end their life prematurely

In order to escape all their problems

But they will find that their problems have not ended

What feeling are they departing this world with?

When leaving this world

They are still attached to that emotion

If a person dies in sorrow

Then their mind is still in sorrow

But if we are still alive

Then we still have a chance to overcome it

But if a person dies just like that

Then he or she will be stuck in it for a very long time

The Sambhawesi world

It is like being stuck in a nightmare that doesn’t end

You can only escape when you wake up

You can’t enter Heaven neither can you go to Hell

Stuck in a interdimensional realm that overlaps

With the human world, very close to us

Here it revolves around all kinds of attachment

That the mind is still stuck to and cannot let go

There is a lot of unfinished business

Whatever the mind clings to, its stuck like that

Have you ever been in a bad dream 

And you try to wake up from it but can’t?

It is something like that

When will you wake up, nobody knows

This is the condition of the Sambhawesi realm 

But if a person practices the 4 Foundations of Mindfulness

He will be able to escape this realm

Practising the Satipatthana can change one’s mind

From a gloomy one into a luminous one 

That is why it is said 

“When the mind is sorrowful, the way to the lower realms is open”

“When the mind is bright, the path to heaven is clear”

If each day you do not practice the foundations of mindfulness

How many problems will you have?

If you let your mind wallow in depression

What if you happen to die at that time?

The next world will be even worse

But if we practice the foundations of mindfulness

We will be able to transform our hearts

To become cheerful, bright and pure

So mindfulness is something we should all focus on

It will be beneficial not just for this life

But for all future existences

Phra Maha Woraphon Kittivaro

Wat Mahayong, Ayutthaya

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