
Thursday 30 June 2022

Story by Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo

Story by Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo

Many luksits come to consult Luang Ta because whenever they sit down to pray, they would start hearing strange noises. Some would hear the sound of their room doorknob turning, others would hear strange sounds when they lie in bed at night. 

Luang Ta said he won't believe unless he meets the ghost himself. Ghosts and people aren't that different, he taught. Ghosts are merely people who died before we met them, that's all. 

If one makes merit, you will become a tewada. 

If you make a lot of bad kamma, then you will become a ghost of the Sambhawesi realm and cannot move on. Therefore, one shouldn't be afraid of ghosts. 

Strange noises can come from a variety of reasons. If we start hearing sounds when chanting, if it is Luang Ta himself, he will get up to go and investigate. Luang Ta said we shouldn't be held back by fear. 

Then Luang Ta related this story:

"In the old days, when I was new to this area and alone in this cave, I would always hear a strange sound whenever I was praying at night. 

So whenever the sound appeared, I would get up and walk around to investigate. 

Luang Ta said, if you are really a ghost, then you should appear so that we can talk to each other to understand your situation, and how we can help. And not make annoying sounds like this. 

After saying this, the sound would disappear, but the next night it would continue again. 

Until one night, there was a very loud noise, and Luang Ta decided to get up and sit at the place where the sound originated from. 

The sound suddenly stopped, and an apparition of an old man sitting there smoking a cigarette appeared. Luang Ta told him, "All this [fuss] just to show me that you are real! Other people come here to take merit without bothering me."

Since then, the old man and his noise never appeared again because Luang Ta prayed and spread merit regularly. 

Ghosts are no different from people. 

Sometimes they come because there is a reason. We just address the situation accordingly. Do not be afraid, some come to ask for help, have metta on them. 

We practice to prepare for death. We pray to prepare for death. So why are we afraid of ghosts and afraid of death?"

Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo

Wat Tham Muang Na, Chiang Mai

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