
Thursday, 16 June 2022

“Kilesa are defilements.”

The Teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

10 March 2025

“Kilesa are defilements.”

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Question (M): What are kilesa and how to overcome kilesa?’

Than Ajahn: Kilesa are defilements. They are greed, hate and delusion. Greed is your desire to have this and that thing.

Hatred arises when you’re not able to get what you want. When you want something and you cannot get it, you become angry. You have hatred. If somebody stops you from getting what you want, you hate that person. 

Delusion arises from your ignorance. You think that thing you want to acquire will make you happy. In reality, they’ll make you unhappy. You don’t know where the real happiness is and this is what ignorance is. 

The real happiness is to stop your greed and hatred by meditating, by stopping yourself from doing all kinds of activities directed by your cravings or your desires. 

It’s because the things that you get from following your cravings or your desires are temporary happiness. 

Sooner or later, they will disappear. And when they disappear, you’ll be left empty-handed. After they disappear, you’ll feel that you have to have something else, something more. So, you keep following your cravings or desires again without coming to an end. 

The only way to have contentment and true happiness is to stop your defilements. Stop your greed by stopping your delusion, by applying the wisdom of the Buddha who taught us that everything that we desire for is aniccā, dukkha, anattā. 

‘Aniccā’ is impermanent; ‘Dukkha’ means everything will make you suffer; ‘Anattā’ means that you cannot control anything. Everything comes and goes as it wants. When thing disappears, it will make you sad. So, it’s better not to be involved with anything in this world because eventually, it will make you unhappy.

Once you can apply the wisdom of  Buddha, when you have no greed, no hatred, no delusion, then your mind will be always peaceful, contented and happy. Because the thing that makes you unhappy is your defilements (kilesa): your greed, hatred and delusion.

Youtube: “Dhamma in English, Nov 9, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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