
Tuesday 7 June 2022

Luang Pu Doo

Luang Pu Doo

I think bro Stanley Ong has requested, at least more than once, for me to write an article on relics, so here’s one for him. 

Often many luksits will be full of expectation when their revered master pass away and wait eagerly to see whether they can find any relics after the cremation. 

But this is inappropriate to speculate about because there are many unknown factors as to whether a master’s bones will give rise to relics and the lack thereof should not be taken as an indication of the absence of attainment. 

That being said, there were many well-practiced monks of the forest tradition whose cremated remains gave rise to relics and are enshrined properly. But for Luang Pu Doo, his case was a little different.

After Luang Pu was cremated, there were no relics to be found. His disciples were disappointed.

Many years later in 2552, some of his disciples wanted to publish the book <<Following the Dhamma, Walking in the Teacher’s Footsteps, Luang Pu Doo Prompanyo>>. 

They wanted to photograph his bone fragments to feature in the book when they found out that some of his bone fragments transformed into Phra Taat. 

Some round bumps had appeared on the bones. A few were cloudy while one was clear and protruding. About 20 years had passed by. 

When Luang Pu Doo was alive, his disciple used to ask him – “Is it true that only bones of an Arahant will give rise to relics?”

Luang Pu replied, “Phra Sotapan, their bones can also manifest relics. But the appearance is different from that of an Arahant's.”

But how about Bodhisattas who are full of baramee like Luang Pu Thuad. 

Bodhisattas in the Theravada tradition are not considered enlightened at all, as they have neither attained the Path nor Fruition. So will their bones turn to relics?

Luang Pu revealed that “A Bodhisatta whose parami is already full, can be compared to an ‘Anagami Special Class’.” 

What Luang Pu meant was that a Bodhisatta whose parami is full is very close to enlightenment already, it is just that he chose not to attain enlightenment at that point only. But he is not inferior to an Anagami. 

However, he is not considered to be an Anagami because Anagamis are non-returners and Bodhisattas still have to come down to be born again. 

This is why Luang Pu used the term, “Phra Anagami Special Rank”. 

Therefore the reason why the bodies of Bodhisattas like Luang Pu Doo can transform into relics is because the purity of their minds is comparable to that of the Noble Ones.

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