
Sunday 26 June 2022

Bhante Suman Jyoty

Living in forest some people say it is a kind of challenging, while you do not have particular devotees and enough supporters, but the kamma have it’s own path, if you have food today to eat it is because you had donated food in your previous lives. If you do not have food and daily needs requisite it is because you have not done enough merits to get back.. So there is nothing to worry. And I don’t see it as challenging. Some of my monks friends asked me why I am dwelling in forest and struggling for foods and shelter. Why I do not live in Village temple. I simply smile and just reply them softly, before we want to teach Dhamma we have to put it in practice. And I am not struggling for the shelters and for food, the world is my home and the world peoples are my devotees, I am living here in this forest so I can practice Meditation by myself and also people who have desire to practice Dhamma this will be a suitable and peaceful place to learn and practice Dhamma. If there is short of foods and requisite it is because this is how the forest life is. I ask everyone to accept it as it is whatever the conditions you meet. Just accept it as is, not as yours then you will able to face the problem.

~ Bhante Suman Jyoty

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