
Sunday 26 June 2022

“The goal of meditation is twofold: mental calm and wisdom or insight into the true nature of all physical and mental processes.”

The Teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

15 December 2023

“The goal of meditation is twofold: mental calm and wisdom or insight into the true nature of all physical and mental processes.”

To eliminate greed, hatred and delusion effectively we have to meditate. The simplest form of meditation for lay Buddhists is to chant Buddhist verses. By concentrating on chanting and not thinking about other things the mind will gradually become calmer and more content because it has no time to think and worry. 

This is the simplest form of meditation that will develop to a more advanced level when we will just concentrate on one particular mental object, such as the in-and-out breath.

The goal of meditation is twofold: mental calm and wisdom or insight into the true nature of all physical and mental processes. Once the mind is calm, it becomes reasonable, logical and unemotional, ready to be taught the truth of life that we will all have to face. 

Having been born, we are all subject to aging, sickness and death, which no one can escape. The best way to face them is to be ready for them.

The body doesn’t know that it will age, get sick and die — the mind does. Due to delusion the mind thinks the body is itself and clings to it. When the body becomes sick, old and dies, the mind thinks that it is the one that gets sick, gets old and dies, when in fact it doesn’t. The mind, as I said, goes on after the dissolution of the body.

So we have to teach the mind to be brave, to face up to the truth of the body. Once the mind becomes calm and composed, it will accept it and be free from anxiety and agitation. This is the development of wisdom in Buddhism: to know the truth of life and face it squarely and calmly. Because the mind doesn’t get old, get sick or die; it’s the body that does. Due to delusion the mind thinks that it is getting old, getting sick and dying.

Once the mind has learned the truth and embraces it, the mind will no longer resist or be afraid. 

It will accept it just like anything else, just like the rain, a storm, and good or bad weather. They come and go, but the mind doesn’t change with these things. The mind just knows.

By Ajaan Suchart Abhijāto

Youtube: Dhamma in English

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