
Sunday 28 March 2021

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart. 

QuestionI found that when I developed a certain level of concentration, when my mind was very calm, all the other thoughts started coming in, then I have to start going back to my breath or to Buddho again. So, I feel like I have to start all over again. 

Than Ajahn:  Yes, because your concentration has weakened so you have to re-strengthen your concentration by focusing on your breath or repeating Buddho, Buddho—these are the ways to develop concentration in your mind, to prevent your mind from scattering to other thoughts.

You have to force it to stay on one object, such as reciting a mantra or watching your breath. If you can continue on concentrating on your mantra or on your breath, then your mind will become calm again.

So, this is the process you have to keep going back and forth. Your mind becomes calm for a while, then it starts to think again, and you have to start concentrating again.

Just keep doing this until the mind becomes fully calm.

QuestionSo, I should try to stretch this calm period for as long as I can.

Than Ajahn:  Yes, you want to do it until it becomes all day long. 

As soon as you are not calm, you have to meditate.

When you first come out from meditation, your mind can be calm for a while, after that, you will start thinking and having emotion, and your mind becomes restless again.

Then, you have to go back and meditate again.

QuestionSo, is it normal that when the mind is very calm, all the thoughts will start coming in? Is that normal?

Than Ajahn:  That’s right. That’s the purpose of doing meditation: to stop all the thoughts from coming in and then it will make your mind become neutral, upekkhā.

When the mind becomes calm, the mind has no emotion—no love, no hate, no fear, no delusion in the mind—temporarily.

“Dhamma in English, Jan 3, 2019.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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