
Monday 22 March 2021

Daily Reflections

 Daily Reflections

A short reflection that's often chanted in Theravada monasteries states in part, 

"I am subject to aging..." 

"subject to illness..."

"subject to death." 

That's the standard English translation, but the standard Thai translation is more pointed: 

"Aging is normal for me..."

"illness is normal for me..." 

“Death is normal for me."

The extended version of the reflection goes on to say that these things are normal for everyone, no matter where. To be born into any world is to be born into a place where these dangers are normal. They lie in wait right here in the body that, at birth, we laid claim to, and the world around us is full of triggers that can bring these dangers out into the open at any time.


#dailyreflection #aging #illness #death

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