
Wednesday 17 March 2021

Are fluctuations in emotion due to lack of mindfulness?

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

3 December 2023

Question: Are fluctuations in emotion due to lack of mindfulness?

Phra Ajahn:  And it’s due to your defilement; your like and dislike keep your mind fluctuating. 

When you run into things you like, your mind becomes happy. 

When you run into things you dislike, your mind becomes unhappy. But you can make it to become stable by maintaining mindfulness. If you can have mindfulness, then you will stop your like or dislike. 

And then, you just see things as they are—just be aware of them and not reacting to them.

“Dhamma in English, Feb 25, 2019.”

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QuestionCan emotion be a tool for enlightenment?

Phra Ajahn:  Emotion is the problem that you want to overcome. It’s not a tool for enlightenment but it’s an instigator for enlightenment.

You have to have sadness and suffering that will then inspire you or push you to look for an answer, look for a cure of your sadness. You’ll then use wisdom, by investigating to see that your sadness or your emotion is being instigated by your craving or your desire.

So, emotion is not a tool for enlightenment. Emotion is the problem that you want to deal with. After you’ve dealt with it, then you become enlightened, by realizing that emotion is impermanent; emotion is anattā—you cannot control it.

It’s caused by your cravings or your desires. Once you get rid of your cravings or your desires, then your emotion will disappear.

“Dhamma in English, October 9, 2020.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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